Hope you have all had a great week. Every now and then, JET just takes a little time to do something out of the ordinary. This was the week for that to happen.
Blossom is a strange little creature that was born of a fertile imagination.…
Hope you have all had a great week. Every now and then, JET just takes a little time to do something out of the ordinary. This was the week for that to happen.
Blossom is a strange little creature that was born of a fertile imagination.…
One thing that people have in common is that we all love to laugh. We love to laugh at other peoples expense and laugh when something reminds us of someone we know.
This week we have added a brand new character to the growing list.…
A topic that we are always hearing questions about is Costuming for Puppets. The same puppet if costumed differently can take on an entirely different personality.
Don’t be afraid to experiment. …
One thing we can’t stress too much is the importance of knowing each of your characters. Even if you are working from a very tight script, little things can happen in a performance to affect you ability to stay on script.…
We would like to introduce you to a new character this week. His name is Gordon and he is only 16″ long from tip to tip. He has a through the neck entry and can be something that you could easily use if you are working walk-a-round vent or working tables in a restaurant.…
While we did manage to give away several of our big bags with December orders, we also got a bunch of Emails from some of you complaining that it was not fair to run a special like this in December. Some of you stated that while you would love to have put in an order to get the FREE bag, that your Christmas budget(s) were stretched to the breaking point already.…