We are going to take just a few minutes this week to divert your attention to our “Available Now” section of the website. This time of year always has some folks searching desperately for a last minute gift that can be delivered in time for Christmas.…
This is the time of the year that is always good for quiet reflection (not to mention extreme overeating)
Take some time and reflect on all that you have to be Thankful for. Sometimes we tend to get caught up in lifes hustle and bustle and we loose sight on all the truely good things we do have and the many blessings we have received, both as Americans and as individuals.…
I was talking to a ventriloquist friend a couple of days ago and the topic came up of Vent Haven 2017. This person did just like I have heard several other people do. He moaned and groaned about the expense of the ConVENTion.…
This is just a little topic for all those who have never yet been to Vent Haven but are going this year for the first time.
Among all the good things that we can say about the Marriott, (and they are many), there is just one small thing that we would like to warn you about.…
A while back we mentioned that there were some changes coming to our way of doing business. Well the changes are now here and you can read them for yourselves.…