Do you have occasional moisture problems in your puppets?

Something New

We have gotten several notes from Vent friends telling us that they were having problems with moisture inside their puppet due to perspiration  from their arm being inside for extended periods of time.

There is a solution for the problem that is very inexpensive to create.  Go to your local building supply store (Lowes / Home Depot etc.) and purchase about 2 feet of 1-1/2″ diameter PVC plumbing pipe.Take a drill with about a 3/8″ diameter drill bit in it and drill a series of holes in the pipe. (See picture)   Carefully insert the pipe inside your puppet and then put a hair dryer against the end of the pipe.

Turn the hair dryer on and let it blow hot air for several minutes.  Remove the  pipe and put your hand in the puppet.  Repeat the process until the puppet is dry on the inside.  Remember to always use caution when using power tools such as drills and saws.  You do want to leave this life with the same number of fingers that you arrived with.  Use eye protection when needed.

We will talk again next week.

Steve and JET

2 thoughts on “Do you have occasional moisture problems in your puppets?”

  1. Wearing gloves is always a good practice to make sure your sweaty hands don’t ruin your puppet. For arm puppets use long gloves. I use the military gloves that you can purchase at an Army/Navy store.

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