Just wanting to take this opportunity to let you know about a significant change in a major mechanical feature.
Several years ago, we started doing L/R moving eyes. At that time they were such a pain to construct that we had to charge $300.00 for the feature. After over a year, we discontinued putting them in because we were never that happy with the way that they functioned. Even though we stopped doing them, we never stopped working on the possibilities for them.
At long last, we have come up with the a completely new design that works like a dream, both for us and for you. They are such an improvement that we are able to drop the price a full 50% to the new price of $150.00!!!
Take a close look at the quad/plex picture of Mr. Ramble in the Catalog on the site. Look at each pic to see the different positions of the eyes.
We have always said that we don’t want to use the Newsletter or blog as a sales tool, we do want to at least let you know about important new features that are available for you.
We will talk again next week,
Steve and JET
Hi I have found it difficult to change my voice tone and to speak clearly but I also
found if you use a easy accent it’s much easier to completely change your voice tone
And to pronounce the words more clearly and to use your ventriloquism much easier