Stop for a minute and think about some of the best Ventriloquists you have ever seen. Then think about the ones that you remember that seemed the most “lifeless” and were just a puppet with a moving mouth. Even though the ventriloquist was good and had no lip movement, if the rest of the puppet just “sat there” without moving, the act was at best only half as good as it could have been.…
Something New
We want to suggest a way to find some new ideas this week. We are not suggesting that you steal material from anyone, but now and then you want to find little ways to get new ideas to use in your show.…
This is a small tip and easy to achieve, but it is also very important.
Recently I was watching some videos of a well known Ventriloquist. There was something in his performance that really bugged me and it took a while to figure it out but when I did it became crystal clear and then really bugged me.…
Probably one of the most asked questions we get is, “What is more effective – Moving Eyebrows or Blinking Eyes?”
The answer is not that simple. Each has its place in showing human emotion. Moving Eyebrows can show 1) Surprise, 2) Shock, 3) Awe, 4) Disgust, among other things.…
Available Now!
From time to time we have all had some situation come up in the course of the day or in the middle of a performance that completely catches us off guard. How we get out of this with our dignity in tack is by quick thinking on our feet.…
Something New
This will be short and sweet. Our Website “” will be down for between 6 and 24 hours starting at 12:00 A.M. EST on August 21, 2021.
There is nothing to be concerned about. Our Hosting Service is moving to a new and much larger building and will be shutting down all the servers during that time in order to move them. …